Your Virtual Instructor
Your Virtual Instructor
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Conference Presenter
Syndicated Author, Professional Trainer, Speaker
Available for keynotes, conference breakout sessions, virtual training seminars
Debra Wingfield, Ed.D., LPC (retired)
Has over 50 years experience. She educated psychotherapists in small group trainings and university classrooms for 15+ years. Dr. Wingfield was in private practice for 20+ years focused on treating Adult Children from Dysfunctional Families; Child Abuse Victims; Domestic Violence Victims, Offenders, and Child Witness victims.
She presented trainings, conferences, workshops, and classroom courses in Domestic Violence Intervention/Treatment, and Addictions related to Domestic Violence. Now these up-dated courses (from her classroom curriculum) and training workshops are made available to you virtually, using Green Technology.
Dr. Debra has authored several books based on her psychoeducation programs for adult children from dysfunctional families. Currently, she is authoring books on interpersonal violence related to coercive control. Many of the processes in her books are incorporated into her training curriculums.
Conference Presentations:
Called to Peace He makes all things new Retreat May, 2024
Topics: Implement the 3 E’s of Advocacy; Practical approach to 3 Es; CPS Ins and Outs for Advocates and Survivors
Called to Peace He makes all things new Retreat April, 2023 Topic: Burning Questions for Advocates to Help Survivors;
Topic: Advocacy Balancing Act for Advocates
Called to Peace He Makes all Things New Retreat April 8, 2022 with Nicole Stania (1 presentation) Topic: Tips for Parenting Traumatized Children
Colorado Training for Court Professionals September 24, 2021 (full day via Zoom with Nicole Stania, Joy Forrest, & Hannah Steinke) Topic: Domestic Violence, Including Coercive Control, And Its Traumatic Effects On Children, Adults, And Families
Called to Peace He Makes all Things New Retreat May 15, 2021 (2 presentations) Topic: Abuser Red Flags
25th International Conference on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma and The National Summit on Interpersonal Violence & Abuse Across the Lifespan, August 30-September 2, 2020, San Diego, CA , Topic: Fill the gap: Faith-based family court advocacy
Called to Peace Free Indeed Women’s Conference May, 2019 (2 presentations) Topic: Building Resilience in Children after Experiencing Coercive Control/Domestic Abuse
22nd International Conference on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma and The National Summit on Interpersonal Violence & Abuse Across the Lifespan, September 24-27, 2017, San Diego, CA Topic: How to Talk About Non-Physical DV So Judges and Decision-Makers Will Listen
20th International Conference on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma and The National Summit on Interpersonal Violence & Abuse Across the Lifespan, August 23-26, 2015, San Diego, CA Topic: Mama Bear Growls when Custody Case Goes Wrong
Topic: Innovative Methods of Integrating Interpersonal Violence Education into Professional Training
Pueblo DV Symposium (afternoon workshop)—October 21, 2014 Topic: Control Freaks Use Coercive Control Pre and Post-Separation
25th Anniversary COVA Conference Keystone, CO October 27 – 30, 2013 Topic: Mock Protection Order Court: Judge’s descion-making revealed
18th International Conference on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma and The National Summit on Interpersonal Violence & Abuse Across the Lifespan September 7-11, 2013, San Diego, CA Topic: Communication with Coercive Manipulators: Mediation Challenges of Intimate Partner Abuse in Parenting Time/Custody Cases
Pueblo County Child Care Providers Annual Conference September 8, 2012: Topic: Signs of Child Abuse
Pikes Peak Domestic Violence Summit October 5-6, 2011, Colorado Springs, CO Topic: Child Custody Disputes: Coercive Control Tactics
16th International Conference on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma and The National Summit on Interpersonal Violence & Abuse Across the Lifespan September 11-14, 2011, San Diego, CA Topic: Games Offenders Play: Coercive Control Tactics across Multiple Settings
Colorado SOMB 5th Annual Conference July 13-15, 2011, Breckenridge, CO Topic: Games Offenders Play: Coercive Control Tactics across Multiple Settings
Colorado SOMB 3rd Annual Conference in conjunction with the DVOMB July 8-10, 2009, Breckenridge, CO Topic: Family Violence ACE-Based Treatment: A Multidisciplinary Holistic Approach
Community Presentations: Pueblo Early Childhood Council, Kids Count—October 7, 2014 Topic: Toxic Stress Derails Educational Achievement and Economic Productivity
ECHO and Family Center Early Childhood Council Legislative Breakfast—September 30, 2014 Topic: Toxic Stress Derails Educational Achievement and Economic Productivity
The Greater Pueblo Chamber of Commerce—March 13, 2014 Topic: Toxic Stress Derails Educational Achievement and Economic Productivity T
Teleseminars Presented: 2007- Present:
Presented through House Of Peace Publications Virtual Training Center
Advanced Supervision Skills
Basic Supervision: Theory & Skills
Ongoing Supervision & Practice Management
Batterers Coercive Control Tactics in Relationships
Batterers/Domestic Violence Offenders as Parents
Disabled Victims of Abuse and Domestic Violence
Offender Containment
Batterers Coercive Control Tactics in Relationships
Using the MCMI-III in Diagnosis with Domestic Violence Offenders
DV Matrix: Multi-cultural Issues
Resistive Client: DV
Criminogenic Needs: Cognitive Distortions & Criminal Thinking Errors
Criminogenic Needs: Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Substance Abuse: The Intersections
Criminogenic Needs: Effects of Violence on ChildrenDV Clinical Interviewing
DV Laws
DV: Motivational Interviewing
DV Offender Typologies and Types of Abuse
DV: Program/Client Management and Program Development 101
DV Victims Legal Issues
Female Offender Treatment Part I
Female Offender Treatment Part II
Forensic Assessment and Evaluation for DV
Forensic Therapy
Impact of Domestic Violence on Victims
Offender Self Management, Offender Accountability & Offender Contracts
Ongoing Assessment: Skills and Tools & Offender Responsivity to Treatment
Role of Victim Advocate in Domestic Violence Offender Treatment
Trauma Issues
Treatment Within the Criminal Justice System
Victim Dynamics
Transformational Journaling for Healing Souls—Q & A
2008-2009 Presented through Awaken The Author Within Twice weekly Author Coaching with small groups
Contact Dr. Wingfield’s office to discuss training and conference presentations
Nashville, NC 27856 719-251-0618 e-mail:
Books, Articles, Training Manuals:
Wingfield, D. (2014). Eyes Wide Open: Help! with Control Freak Co-Parents. Pueblo West, CO: Wingfield House of Peace Publications.
Wingfield, D. (2011). Through a Child’s Voice: Transformational Journaling. Pueblo West, CO: Wingfield House of Peace Publications.
Wingfield, D. (2008). From Darkness to Light: Your Inner Journey. Pueblo West, CO: Wingfield House of Peace Publications.
Wingfield, D. (2008). Adult Children from Dysfunctional Families: A Psychoeducational Group Facilitators Manual (revised). Aurora, CO: Author.
Wingfield, D. (2007). Transformational Journaling for Recovering Souls: 15 Guided Techniques to Recreate Your Life. Pueblo West, CO: Wingfield House of Peace Publications:
Wingfield, D. & Blocker, L. S. (1998). Development of a certificate training curriculum for domestic violence counseling. Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling, 18(3), 86-94.
Wingfield, D. (1995). Domestic Violence Victims and the Mental Health Practitioner. National Coalition Against Domestic Violence VOICE, Summer.
Wingfield, D., and Landman, S. (1994). Treating Court-Ordered Clients: The Rewards and Pitfalls of a Marriage between Mental Health and Criminal Justice. Colorado Domestic Violence Coalition Newsletter Winter, 3.
Wingfield, D. (2000). Weekly thought journal for teens. Aurora, CO: Author.
Wingfield, D., Wingfield, C., & Shea, E. (1994). Student assistance program training manual for K-12 school personnel. Pueblo, CO: Author.
Wingfield, D. (1988). Adult Children from Dysfunctional Families: A Psychoeducational Group Facilitator’s Manual. Greeley, CO: Author.
Awards and Nominations:
Regis University, School for Professional Studies, Graduate Programs, Fall, 1997, “Excellence in Teaching” Award.
Committees and Boards:
2007-present RAINN Speakers Bureau
2009 – 2018 Pueblo County Domestic Violence Task Force
2001- 2002; 1993-1996
2010 – Present Pueblo Early Childhood Council–Public Awareness & Engagement Workgroup
2008-2009 Pueblo County Human Relations Commission-Gang Task Force
1999 – 2001 Aurora Prevention Partnership—Community Awareness Committee Chair
Building Assets in Aurora’s Youth
1999 – 2001 Restorative Juvenile Justice Assets Roundtable–Colorado
1999 – 2001 CHAI (Community Help and Abuse Information) Speaker’s Bureau
1997 – 2000 CCADV Perpetrator Containment Committee
1994 – 2000 Colorado Domestic Violence Legislation Committee
1994 Planning Committee “Beyond Abuse and Addiction…Integrating Theory and Practice”
1994-1996 Violence Prevention and Education Team of Pueblo
1992-1993 Weld County Domestic Violence Task Force
Doctor of Education Degree—Counselor Education/Professional Psychology (CACREP approved program) University of Northern Colorado–1993
Post Graduate Courses—Family Therapy—University of Wyoming–1980
Master of Arts Degree—Counseling and Organizational Psychology—University of West Florida–1975
Bachelor of Arts Degree—Psychology—University of West Florida—1973
Licensed Professional Counselor—State of Colorado #941–since 1994 (Emphasis: Marriage and Family Therapy)
(Previously) Certified Domestic Violence Counselor— 10th, 13th, and 19th Judicial Districts Colorado
Doctoral Dissertation: Perceptions of Family of Origin Dynamics by Adults from Alcoholic, Abusive and Chronic Illness Families, March, 1993.
Master’s Thesis: Transactional Analysis: Intensive Versus Time-Spaced Counseling To Improve Self-concept Among College Students, September, 1975.
Counselor Teaching Experience:
1994- 2001
University of Southern Colorado, now Colorado State University-Pueblo
Pueblo, Colorado
Position: Adjunct professor
Department: Social Work/Sociology/Psychology
Develop and teach undergraduate and graduate courses in Domestic Violence Counseling, Addiction Treatment, and Psychology. Taught courses in classroom and through correspondence study. Modified courses for on-line distance education. (Many Domestic Violence Workshops integrated into courses.)
Regis University, Denver, Colorado
Position: Affiliate Professor
Department: Psychology/Counseling
Provide course consultation for distance education program. Teach graduate courses in psychology and counseling in classroom and distance education format.
1992- 1993
University of Colorado-Denver, Denver, Colorado
Position: Adjunct Professor (Master’s Degree Program)
Department: Counseling Psychology and Counselor Education
Responsible for teaching existing courses as requested by the department.
University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado,
Position: Practicum Student in College Teaching (Master’s and Doctoral programs)
Department: Division of Professional Psychology
Duties: Responsible for assisting regular faculty in teaching courses in Family Therapy, and Understanding and Counseling Minorities
Metropolitan State University of Denver, (formerly Metropolitan State college) Denver, Colorado
Position: Adjunct professor
Department: Psychology
Department: Human Services
Department: Women’s Studies
Duties: Responsible for teaching existing courses in psychology, addictions, and family therapy theory. Responsible for developing courses in dysfunctional family processes, stress management, goal setting, and time management.
Aims Community College, Greeley, Colorado
Position: Part-time Instructor
Department: Psychology
Duties: Responsible for developing and teaching courses in psychology and human relations.
Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado
Position: Continuing Education Instructor
Department: Psychology
Duties: Responsible for developing and teaching courses in psychology and human relations.
Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Intervention/Treatment and Training Experience:
January, 1999-to present
House of Peace Publications, Nashville, NC
Private Training and Program Evaluation Consulting Practice
Train and educate professionals and community members about coercive control, family violence, addictions, and prevention options. Provide program development, design, and evaluation consultation to programs addressing prevention, intervention, and treatment of family violence, substance abuse, and school/community violence. Provide advocacy services and coaching to Coercive Control Survivors in Family Court cases.
April, 1988 to January, 1999
National Institute for Addictive Behaviors, Inc., Aurora, Colorado
Position: Executive Director
RESEARCH FOCUS–Develop and implement agency programs in training, program development, and program evaluation. Develop grant proposals to fund agency programs. Train workshop participants in prevention, intervention, and treatment of Family Violence and Substance Abuse. Presented over 50 workshops based on extensive experience and literature review.
PROGRAM FOCUS–Provide counseling services to individuals, groups, and families. Supervise therapists in individual, group, and family therapy. Supervise Domestic Violence Treatment providers. Administer agency services; direct staff in execution of position. Manage agency including budget preparation, board reports, recruitment and staff training. Represent agency on local/statewide committees connected to mission.
February, 1995 to January, 1996
Parkview Hospital Family Counseling Center, Pueblo, Colorado
Position: Clinician
Provide counseling services. Provide specialized psychoeducational treatment groups to Domestic Violence Offenders. Provide individual counseling to victims of all types of abuse. Supervise student interns.
May, 1991 to April, 1992
Centennial Mental Health Center, Ft. Morgan, Colorado
Position: Doctoral Internship—Counselor/Staff Development; Provide counseling services to individuals, groups and families primary emphasis abuse victims of all ages. Develop and provide in-service training to staff in the areas of individual, family, couple, and group therapy. Team member of program evaluation unit.
We look forward to serving your training and speaking needs,
Dr. Debra
Contact our international headquarters located in
Nashville, NC:
Meet the Instructor
House of Peace Publications
Debra Wingfield, Ed.D
Founder & CEO