Virtual Training Center: Domestic Violence Training Courses–Fall ’09 Schedule

Now you can more easily access your
Domestic Violence Treatment Training virtually.
All you need is long distance access, no computer required.
All your trainings are space-limited to 12 trainees
to allow for interactive, experiential training.

Take advantage of Early Registration to reserve your space.
Before I tell you about the 3 Ways You Win with
Virtual DV Training, let me remind you to Register
now at

Win #1–Plan ahead with early registration–register 7 or more
days prior to each training session–receive a special report to
enhance your learning experience

Parenting and DV 205
Sept 8, 10, 15, 17, 2009
Noon Eastern
10:00 a.m. Mountain

Early registration ends September 1, 2009 at
Noon. Eastern,
10:00 a.m. Mountain

Win #2–Significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses
by $1045 or more per 7 hour training day over class-based training.

Child Abuse, Substance Abuse, Domestic Violence: The Intersections 206
Sept 14,16, 21, 23, 2009
2:00 p.m. Eastern
Noon Mountain

Win #3–Your training is based on the ASK(TM) training model
where you take what you learn and immediately translate
research into your practice.

DV Offender Dynamics and Treatment Approaches 215
Sept 22, 24, 29, Oct 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 2009
Noon Eastern,
10:00 a.m. Mountain

Review course descriptions and register at

And a special “Win” if you take 6 trainings over 6 months.
Here are the details for your
special “Win”! If you take 6 trainings over 6 months.
You Receive your 7th training (7 hours) for $ 98.50, a 50% savings.
You can access this special offer twice in a 6 month
period. You must contact our office to receive this
special “Win” by phone or e-mail.

Remember, You must register no later than 24 hours
before the start of a training to receive your training
call-in information and materials.

You must attend all training sessions for the entire
training time to receive training credit.

So what are you waiting for?

Go right now and register for your training!

For Your Virtual Training Team,

Debra Wingfield, Ed.D.
Training Coordinator/Faculty

P.S. Parenting and DV 205
Sept 8, 10, 15, 17, 2009
Noon Eastern
10:00 a.m. Mountain

Early registration ends September 1, 2009 at
Noon. Eastern,
10:00 a.m. Mountain

Registration ends September 7, 2009 at
Noon. Eastern,
10:00 a.m. Mountain

P.P.S. Review course descriptions and register at

Feel free to pass this post on to colleagues you know
who can benefit from these trainings.

International Headquarters: 719-647-0652
Pueblo West, CO

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