
Protective Moms Lose Custody to Abusive Dads

How do abusive dads get custody of their children? This is the first key question to ask in this crucial issue. A second key question is why do judges and court personnel involved ignore the pleas of protective moms? Does it ever occur in reverse? Are their protective dads? Of course, some dads are the

Protective Moms Lose Custody to Abusive Dads Read More »

Uncovered: Unreported Area of Child Abuse

Carefully masked by the veil of the judicial system are the stories of Family Relations Courts gone amok. Domestic Violence, Abuse, and Child Custody: Legal Strategies and Policy Issues brings an important new message about the problems and solutions.

Uncovered: Unreported Area of Child Abuse Read More »

Domestic Violence Education and Prevention Updates

The Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Prevention Education Virtual Training Center courses keep us busy.  Stay updated on the latest in the training center, be sure to join our blog. We recently added some courses–look for the red arrows on the training center site. Additionally, we modified some scheduled dates through the end of July.

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Call Your Member of Congress and Encourage Him/Her to Sign on to a Dear Colleague Letter Supporting VAWA and FVPSA Funding by Friday

Passing this on to you is one way we keep you I encourage you to make your voice count. This is just one way you can make a difference. Call on Your Representative to Make VAWA and FVPSA Funding a Priority Take Action! Call Your Member of Congress and Encourage Him/Her to Sign on to a

Call Your Member of Congress and Encourage Him/Her to Sign on to a Dear Colleague Letter Supporting VAWA and FVPSA Funding by Friday Read More »

Promote Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships: Domestic Violence Attends School Daily

Teachers are challenged daily by children arriving unprepared to attend school. They present behavioral problems and other issues due to domestic violence in their home.

Promote Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships: Domestic Violence Attends School Daily Read More »

Promote Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships (SSNR): Law of Attraction Language Works

Now, as I research what is happening with creating multidisciplinary coalitions to Prevent Child Abuse, I find the language of prevention shifted. No longer are the leaders in this movement pushing against child abuse with words like “prevent child abuse” and “stop abuse”. As we reframe our language to use “The Law of Attraction”, we move our clients forward to make positive changes in their relationships;

Promote Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships (SSNR): Law of Attraction Language Works Read More »

Virtual Training Center Upcoming Courses

Complete your Domestic Violence Certification Training virtually. September courses are under way. Child Abuse, Substance Abuse, Domestic Violence: The Intersections starts Sept 14,16, 21, 23, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern, Noon Mountain. DV Offender Dynamics and Treatment Approaches starts Sept 22, 24, 29, Oct 1, 6, 8, 13, 15 , 2009 at Noon Eastern, 10:00 a.m. Mountain.

Virtual Training Center Upcoming Courses Read More »