Child Custody Evaluations

Abusers Dodge Criminal Charges

Impact of father’s abuse of mother results in toxic stress response by son. Father will not be held accountable for the criminal behavior he perpetrated during the marriage, post-separation, and most likely post-divorce. The son is being trained to be abusive and use coercion and control in his adult relationships. Who will eventually hold him accountable? Or, will he dodge criminal charges just like his father?

Abusers Dodge Criminal Charges Read More »

Domestic Violence and Child Custody Evaluators Beliefs

“Child Custody Evaluators Beliefs About Domestic
Violence Allegations” by Daniel Saunders, Ph.D. reveals how five professional groups: custody evaluators, judges, legal aid
attorneys, private attorneys, and domestic violence program workers acquire
knowledge about domestic violence and their beliefs about false domestic
violence allegations.

Domestic Violence and Child Custody Evaluators Beliefs Read More »