Domestic Violence Training: It was only a sneeze

Domestic Violence Treatment Training teaches you how a split second can change a relationship or alter a life course.  Here’s a way to explain this to your clients.

Saturday evening my husband was sitting at the kitchen table reading when he sneezed. Nothing unusual except he groaned loudly right afterward.  I asked him what was wrong. He said he felt a sharp pain on his left side. I asked him if he wanted to go to the ER. He declined.

The next morning he complained again about his side still hurting, but….no, he didn’t want to go to Urgent Care. By the time evening came, he decided it was time to head over to Urgent Care. They sent him to the ER.

The experienced doctor suggested he might have broken a rib, sent him to x-ray and confirmed his diagnosis. All because of a sneeze!

Domestic violence can change a relationship just as quickly as a sneeze. It may be verbal, emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. The intensity is not as important as what it does to a relationship.

In the Virtual Training Center, our courses focus on how to approach client’s domestic violence behaviors. This helps client’s take responsibility for their behaviors, actions, and attitudes to prevent further violence in their relationships. They can heal themselves just like being careful will allow my husband’s rib to heal.

Just a side note: we are putting together our next schedule for September – December, 2009. Let us know your preferences for course days, times, and courses you prefer.  We are open to suggestions about courses you want offered. Leave us comments here or contact us by going to the website Our goal is to serve your training needs.

Dr. Debra

Professional Trainer, Author, Speaker

P.S. Discover A New Advanced Training System To
Complete your Domestic Violence Treatment
Provider Certification or Meet your Annual
Continuing Education Requirements…
3X Faster And With 84% Less
Out-of-Pocket Expense
With Immediate Program Integration!

P.P.S. Your next course “Abuse Across the Lifespan” early registration ends June 9. Register now at

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